fiona lumsden wildlife artist
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Regional Bird Posters:


bm poster glossies
bm poster c
bm poster owls
bm poster whistlers
bmposter lyrebird
Detail                                                                                                                                  Detail
Birds of the Blue Mountains  poster - 109 species (above)

birds of capertee valley
Birds of the Capertee Valley poster  - 121 species

How the posters were done:

A new and ambitious project for the artist. 2 regional posters so far: portraying over 100 species each on an A2 page. The tiny portraits are rendered in intricate detail. Each pose is the artist's own creation: drawing on years of experience sketching and studying birds and their habits in the field: allowing a more natural flow to the elaborate composition. However the plumage details of each species are also carefully cross-referenced from many sources to try to ensure an accurate but aesthetic representation. An effort has been made to depict each species, where practicable, in the ecological niche they are most associated with. An imaginative composite of local habitats and flora has been amalgamated by the artist to facilitate this.

The originals involve a very painstaking procedure. They are laboriously hand-done on  paper: involving much research, and many pre-drawings of each bird and also the entire compostion. Painted at the same size as the final printing, each tiny pose was painted and re-painted with the finest sable-hair brushes on heavy 600gsm watercolour paper. Each poster has taken many hundreds of hours work over months or years, often long hours into the night in the studio.

After digital scanning of the final artwork, the posters have been printed locally (Clickmedia, Penrith) on high quality, specially coated printing paper to allow the fine details and accurate colours of the small portraits to be still enjoyed in reproduction.  (Canon 12 colour pigment ink printer on archival 180gsm matt paper). Please handle unlaminated prints with special care. Do not store tightly rolled for prolonged periods. Relax by loosely reverse rolling and weighting.

They are available unlaminated or laminated. Unlaminated is best if you intend to frame later. Laminated is easiest for quick display straight to the wall. Limited numbers are available pre-framed directly from the artist but collection of fragile glass frames is as yet only by direct pick-up from the artist's studio.

Price: both posters
Unlaminated: $25 AUD + p&p
Laminated: $35 AUD + p&p
Framed: $95 AUD ( available only directly from the artist's studio)              

Postage & packaging (Australia):
Packed in postal tube.  Add $7 AUD.

Please allow 5 working days for delivery after confirmation email from artist.

Posters are also available from a number of outlets in the Blue Mountains area.
See Contact & Sales Page for enquiries or further details on buying.

About the Birds of the Blue Mountains poster   See illustration above.
A 2 1/2 year project to complete. Showcasing 109 species from the beautiful and rugged Blue Mountains, west of Sydney NSW. A World Heritage listed area. The Blue Mountains is a large plateau area dissected by spectacular sandstone cliffs and deep gorges carpeted by vast and diverse eucalypt forests with small pockets of warm-temperate rainforest and heathland. A ribbon of small mountain towns follows the ridgelines of the Great Western Highway and Bell's Line of Road across the Blue Mountains and are surrounded by rugged National Parks to the north and south, scenic reserves, lookouts and many fine bushwalks. A terrific area for birdwatching and for connecting with nature.

The Blue Mountains birds poster depicts most of the common and some rarer but special bushland bird species of the area (except most of the urban, introduced and waterbird species which are generally uncommon in this area). The background features small representations of the habitats of the area: sandstone clifflines, wet and dry sclerophyll bushland, heathland, rainforest, mountain streams and birds of the air above. Plant species depicted include Eucalyptus oreades and piperita, Mountain Devil, Saw Banksia, Waratah, Coachwood, Grass tree and Blueberry Ash. Secreted within the composition are various mammals, reptiles and insects, although taking a backseat to the birds.

About the Birds of the Capertee Valley poster   See illustration above.

The first poster project for the artist. An almost accidental project: the design just "grew" sideways from the cluster of finches on the far left: add a fence, a strip of mountains and a mix of rural and woodland habitats and hey presto, 6 months later, a framework to showcase 121 species of the Capertee Valley.

The Capertee Valley is a special birdwatching area becoming known nationally and internationally as a haven for rare and declining Australian woodland birds. It is located on the western edge of the Blue Mountains (off the Mudgee Road) encompassing the hamlets of Glen Davis and Glen Alice. A gloriously scenic valley surrounded on all sides by spectacular cliffs and the Wollemi and Gardens of Stone National Parks. A diversity of habitats has resulted in a proliferation of bird species finding refuge in this large valley.  Being a cusp zone where the forests of the Blue Mountains give way to the woodlands of the western slopes; vegetation varies from semi-rainforest to Ironbark/Box/Cypress Pine woodlands and farmlands. Not as heavily cleared as many other rural areas, many woodland bird species, whose populations have fallen alarmingly elsewhere, remain relatively common and easily seen here.

A prime conservation focus of recent years has been the highly endangered and beautiful Regent Honeyeater. A collaboration between landholders, conservation bodies and many volunteers has led to extensive habitat restoration with the replanting of thousands of native trees. Bi-annual tree-planting weekends are held in the Capertee each spring and autumn. New volunteer tree-planters are always welcome, no experience necessary.

Contact for further information on volunteer tree-plantings in the Caperteee Valley:

Pixie Maloney,  Administrative Assistant  Birds Australia
Newington Armory, 1 Jamieson St
Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127
Tel: 02 9647 1033 Fax: 02 9647 2030
Email:    Website:

Reporting all sightings of the highly nomadic and rare Regent Honeyater would also be very much appreciated.(Note if the bird has coloured leg rings including order & on which leg.)                     
    Please contact:                                                        Birds Australia
Regent Honeyeater Recovery Coordinator
Dean Ingwersen  
Email:    Phone:1800 621056

Details of posters:

Size A2:  594 x 420mm - Blue Mountains. 304 x 838mm - Capertee Valley
Printed by Clickmedia Digital Printers P/L: Unit 3, 57 Regentville Rd Penrith. Ph: 02 47 22 9170
                 Canon 12 colour pigment ink printer. Archival 180gsm paper.
Laminated, unlaminated or framed. (Posters framed by Pro-frame Design, Penrith).

All images are the property of the artist and are protected by copyright.

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